Ci siamo specializzati sulla fornitura del ciottolo montato su rete, di prima scelta, realizzato in 6 colorazioni differenti. Lavoriamo principalmente con rivenditori, fornendo loro il miglior rapporto qualità prezzo su questo prodotto unico, o con privati per grandi lavori!

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Disponibili in diversi colori, forme, dimensioni e materali.

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Con i principali corrieri europei.

Daniel Debiasi & Federico Sandrih from the Something Design Studio have expanded the Stelton Collar coffee and bar collection Studio with a stylish teapot made from matt, black porcelain featuring a wooden handle. Just like the other products from the series, Stelton’s jug impresses with its Scandinavian design.

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Daniel Debiasi & Federico Sandrih from the Something Design Studio have expanded the Stelton Collar coffee and bar collection Studio with a stylish teapot made from matt, black porcelain featuring a wooden handle. Just like the other products from the series, Stelton’s jug impresses with its Scandinavian design.

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Daniel Debiasi & Federico Sandrih from the Something Design Studio have expanded the Stelton Collar coffee and bar collection Studio with a stylish teapot made from matt, black porcelain featuring a wooden handle. Just like the other products from the series, Stelton’s jug impresses with its Scandinavian design.

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<img class=”aligncenter size-large wp-image-3128″ src=”×439-1024×439.jpg” alt=”” width=”1024″ height=”439″ />Daniel Debiasi &amp; Federico Sandrih from the Something Design Studio have expanded the Stelton Collar coffee and bar collection Studio with a stylish teapot made from matt, black porcelain featuring a wooden handle. Just like the other products from the series, Stelton’s jug impresses with its Scandinavian design.

Per informazioni o ordini potete contattarci allo +39 0813332169 (Amministrazione) | +39 3295487823 Servizio Clienti (anche whatsapp)